Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and...

Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and The seduction The poem â€Å"to his coy mistress† was written by Andrew Marvell between 1621 and 1678. However â€Å"The seduction† (which was written by Eileen McAuley-a woman) was written much later, in the 1980’s. Both poems are about a man trying to persuade a woman to sleep with him. In â€Å"THCM† the man uses flattery and persuasion â€Å"For lady you deserve this state.† In this poem however we never actually discover if he was successful in persuading her. In â€Å"The seduction† he seduces her using alcohol in the hope that she will sleep with him if she is drunk. In this poem we do discover that he is successful as the girl becomes pregnant. In â€Å"THCM† the male is narrating for†¦show more content†¦The women in â€Å"THCM† is obviously very shy â€Å"This coyness, Lady were no crime.† However the female in â€Å"the seduction† is more outgoing and appears more confident. I have already mentioned the different ways in which the men seduce the women, but I think this is an important point and needs some examples. In â€Å"The seduction† The man is clumsy and uses physical advances to seduce the woman. â€Å"With the fingers that stroked her neck and thighs.† The male in â€Å"THCM† however is more flattering and eloquent. He has chosen good persuasive language â€Å"The graves a fine and lonely place, but none, I think do there embrace.† Josephine Sowden The style and language used throughout the poems are quite different. However both contain enjambment, which quickens the pace of the poem. â€Å"THCM† is written in rhyming couplets for example â€Å"time-crime.† Whereas in â€Å"The seduction† this happens much less frequently. In â€Å"The seduction† there are a total of 17 stanzas in all, but the entire poem is cut up into small sections which allow it to flow and results in the reader reading it quickly. In â€Å"THCM† however there are only three stanzas throughout the poem, which represent a different time frame. As â€Å"THCM† was written in the 16 hundreds the nature of society at that time was much more traditional and people had much more conservative views towardsShow MoreRelated The Seduction Eileen McAuley To His Coy Mistress Andrew Marvell Eileen1091 Words   |  5 PagesThe Seduction Eileen McAuley To His Coy Mistress Andrew Marvell Eileen McAuley’s The Seduction is set against the bleak surroundings of Merseyside. ‘The Seduction’ Eileen McAuley ‘To His Coy Mistress’ Andrew Marvell Eileen McAuley’s ‘The Seduction’ is set against the bleak surroundings of Merseyside. The purpose of the story is to show a teenage girl’s predicament after getting drunk at a party. The poet contrasts the girl’s ideas of love and sex with reality. 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